How Things Work Part 3

As children mature, they realize that certain behaviors cause certain responses.  Having good manners means responding politely to people when they address you, and this ryhme helps children practice polite greetings.

Try this:  Invite your child to join you in this fingerplay.  Start by holding your fists behind your back with your thumbs extended.  Then move your thumbs appropriately while reciting the rhyme.  You may want to put a small round sticker at the end of each thumb.  Or ask preschoolers to lick small pieces of paper to make them stick to their thumbs.

Two fat gentlemen (Bring thumbs from behind your back in a series of bounces.)
Met in a glen. (Bounce thumbs in front of you.)
Bowed most politely, (bend thumbs down and up.)
Bowed once again.  (Repeat bows.)
How do you do?  How do you do?  And how do you do again?  (Alternate bending one thumb down and then the other.)
How do you do?  How do you do?  And how do you do again?  (Alternate bending one thumb down and then the other.)

Information taken from The Early Literacy Kit by Betsy Diamant-Cohen and Saroj Nadkarni Ghoting

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