I Think I Can!

Sometimes it is hard to keep doing something when you are tired and don't seem to be making much progress.  If your child is having difficulty finishing an assigned task, try recognizing his efforts with positive words and encouraging him to continue.  This will help the child avoid feelings of failure and the desire to give up while helping him to develop persistence.

Try This:
Read the book The Little Engine That Could by Watty Pipper or another book that has a simple underlying theme related to thinking positively, working hard, and being persistent-all of which are skills that can lead to success.  After reading the book, talk about the characterisitics of the main character.  For example, the little engine had determination and perservance.  It kept going even when it thought it could not.

Information taken from The Early Literacy Kit by Betsy Diamant-Cohen and Saroj Nadkarni Ghoting

Visit me on the web at getreadytoreadclub.blogspot.com and see ALL the wonderful things you can do with your preschooler!

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