The Gift of Words : Conversation

Find time to talk with your child!  Make it a habit to turn off the television or computer or car radio, and use those moments for conversation.  Talking with adults is the best way to expose a child to new words and ideas.
·         When you can, include your child when talking with other adults.
·         Set aside a regular time to talk with him – bedtime or mealtime are ideal.
·         Rephrase what your child says and build on it, showing you understand.  “You’re hot?   The sun is warm today, isn’t it?  Would you like a cold drink?”
·         Pause after speaking to your child, giving him time to respond.
Information provided by Illinois Early learning Website.  For related web resources go to
Also, if you'd like to find out more information, games and websites to help your child get ready 2 read visit

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