Read a Book to Learn about the World Around You

We often want to build our children's curiosity but don't always know the answers to their questions.  We can often discover the answers together in books.  Knowledge about the world, even in very young children, is key to understanding.  Combining a story and a factual book on nature or science helps expand children's scientific knowledge.

Try This:
Read aloud The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle and a nonfiction book on butterflies.  You may want to also recite "Little Arabella Miller."

Little Arabella Miller had a fuzzy caterpillar.  (Tickle palm with two fingers.)
First it crawled up on her mother.  (Walk fingers up left arm.)
Then upon her baby brother.  (Walk fingers up right.)
They said, "Arabella Miller!  Put away your caterpillar!"  (Hide hands behind back.)
But, when they learned that a caterpillar turns into a beautiful butterfly...
Little Arabella Miller had a fuzzy caterpillar. (Tickle palm with two fingers.)
First it crawled upon her mother.  (Walk fingers up left arm.)
Then upon her baby brother.  (Walk fingers up left arm.)
They said, "Arabella Miller, how we love your caterpillar."  (Hug yourself.)

Information taken from The Early Literacy Kit by Betsy Diamant-Cohen and Saroj Nadkarni Ghoting Visit me on the web at and see ALL the wonderful things you can do with your preschooler!

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